Guide:Character Creation

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Welcome to SlothMUD, a text-based online Multi-User Dungeon based on DikuMUD. This free game is enjoyed continuously by players worldwide. With over 23,500 uniquely described rooms, 8,300 distinct creatures, 12,200 characters and 7,100 pieces of equipment, charms, trinkets and other items, our online RPG world is absolutely enormous and ready to explore.

New Player Guides
Character Creation   First Steps   Combat   Groups
The World of Jord
The Island   Lyme   Niebelung   Thordfalan   Thule   Valkyre
Class Guides
Cleric   Warrior


This guide is designed to help you create a new character. If you've played MUDs before, the most relevant information specific to Sloth can be found in the Home Town and Primary Class sections.

Connecting to the Server

If you haven't connected already, you'll need to use telnet or another MUD client and connect to SlothMUD. Our address is and the server is running on port 6101. Using the telnet program, you could type "telnet 6101" to connect.

Choose a Name for your Character

The first question you will be asked is to select a name for your new character. The character name must be a single word containing only letters that is from 3 to 12 characters long. Type the name and press [ENTER]. You'll be asked to confirm the name - type "y" and press [ENTER].

Choose a Password

The password can be from 1 to 8 characters long. It is recommended that you choose a longer password and keep it in a safe place.

Choose your Character's Gender

SlothMUD allows you to play as "M"ale or "F"emale. Type your preference and press [ENTER].

Choose your Character's Home Town

SlothMUD allows you to choose one of four towns:

Town Continent
Newbatia Valkyre
Aisholm Thule
Bal Harbor Thordfalan
Settlestone Niebelung

It is strongly suggested that first-time players select Newbatia as their home town. Newbatia is specifically designed with new players in mind and has many areas where low level players can explore and gain experience. Once you've become familiar enough with the SlothMUD realm, you can change your character's home town by visiting the mayor or Immigration Office in the town you wish to move to.

Choose your Character's Primary Class

SlothMUD allows new characters to spend experience points to gain levels in eight different classes. The character's primary class is the character's strongest: it is the easiest class to advance and it determines which character attributes regenerate the fastest. The primary class also determines the style of combat the character must use to be successful.


Warriors are the most basic fighting class available on SlothMUD. Their combat training, long practice sessions, high hit points, and elevated strength make them very formidable in hand-to-hand fighting. In addition, their ability to reach three and sometimes four attacks per round, it becomes quite obvious that these skills and pure class power are unmatched by any other class. However, they lack the ability to use magic of any sort and must depend o­n their other classes for these types of abilities.


Thieves are known to have very special qualities that no other classes offer. Their abilities are exclusive and provide a unique way of life for these mysterious wanderers. These shadow walkers possess skills such as pick locks, glance, steal, and climb which are all deemed improper by the rest of our society and often lead to these characters entertaining bad reputations.


The magic user controls powerful and violent magics through his own will rather than through the external agencies used by druids and clerics. Magic users (or mages) specialize in offensive magic, that is to say blowing stuff up. They are less adept at healing and protective spells. Mages can o­nly learn new spells from spellbooks, so an important part of the mage's life is searching out those spellbooks in remote corners of the world.


Clerics derive their magic through the agency of the gods. By and large the gods of Sloth are gentle, benevolent sorts, and so the spells of clerics concentrate o­n healing and protection. Clerics are granted a small number of powerful destructive spells as well, however, so do not anger them.


Bards are traveling minstrels who are such adept singers that they can weave magic into their song. In addition, most bards have learned some parlor tricks from mages for use in those times when the crowd turns ugly. Both singing and casting spells burn up a bard's mana.


As a monk, one must find the center of their being, the balance between your physical, spiritual, and mental selves. The monk is a front-line warrior who uses special combat tactics, superior speed, bare-handed attacks, and unique defensive skills to prosper where others o­nly fail. With their punishing strikes, natural damage reduction, and the unique ability to stalk their enemies, any foe lucky enough to see a monk gliding towards them had better run in the opposite direction.


Druids are quickly becoming o­ne of Sloth’s most favorite classes to play. A druid has a few capabilities above and beyond that of any other class. They have the innate ability to shape-shift into a wide variety of animals which allows for camouflage travel. This skill is rather important when attempting to travel the many areas around our world. It can also be used to acquire skills with which your class order would not normally have, such as shape-shifting into a ferret to gain the steal skill.


Where mainstream wizards have learned flashy spells for dealing large amounts of damage to their enemies, necromancers tend to concentrate more o­n animating undead minions to follow them around, protect them, and sometimes even fight for them. As necromancers advance in power, they are able to conjure more and more powerful undead servants. These evil magic users are often seen walking around our many towns in a state of etherealness, with three and sometimes four Wraiths following closely behind.

Once you have decided on a primary class, enter it at the prompt and press [ENTER].

Read the SlothMUD Background Story

Enter menu option "3" to view the SlothMUD background story. It can also be viewed here.

Enter your Character's Description

Enter menu option "2" to enter a description for your character. This description will be displayed any time another player looks at you.

Enter the Game!

Enter menu option "1" to enter the game and start playing! The First Steps Guide has some good information for exploring Sloth.

A Brief Note for Number Crunchers

All new characters in Sloth receive the same starter statistics and items during character creation. A new set of statistics is provided when you reach level 8 in your primary class. There is no need or benefit to deleting and recreating your character unless it is to change primary class or home town.