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Welcome to SlothMUD, a text-based online Multi-User Dungeon based on DikuMUD. This free game is enjoyed continuously by players worldwide. With over 23,500 uniquely described rooms, 8,300 distinct creatures, 12,200 characters and 7,100 pieces of equipment, charms, trinkets and other items, our online RPG world is absolutely enormous and ready to explore.

New Player Guides
Character Creation   First Steps   Combat   Groups
The World of Jord
The Island   Lyme   Niebelung   Thordfalan   Thule   Valkyre
Class Guides
Cleric   Warrior


This guide is designed to help new players be successful in combat. If you're experienced with MUDs, you can probably skip this guide.

Command Conventions

The command lists below contain various commands and their parameters and a description of what those commands accomplish. Acceptable abbreviations are in bold. Required parameters are shown in angle brackets (<>) and optional parameters are shown with square brackets ([]).

Before the Fight

Success in combat depends on proper preparation beforehand. Before starting a fight, there are a number of commands you should be aware of.

Command Explanation
Consider <target> Checks the level of the mobile against your character and tells you if you have much of a chance of winning.
Push <target> <direction> Push a mobile out of the room. Good for isolating mobiles from their friends.
Cast 'armor' <target> Makes your character (or another) harder to hit. Requires the Cleric spell.
Sing 'lion chorus' Your character will do more damage in combat while singing this song. Requires the Bard song.
Alias <alias> <command> Set up a shorthand alias for a longer command. This makes it easier to cast spells without typing out the entire command.
Autokill Toggles autokill. When off, you'll stop fighting when the target becomes stunned, allowing you to subdue it. When on (default) you'll continue to fight until the target is dead.
Flee Attempt to run away from the fight and leave the room. If you find out you're over your head, this is the command to use. Keep in mind that many mobiles will remember you and immediately attack if you return.

Before starting the fight, you should:

  • Consider the mobile to make sure you have a chance of winning.
  • Consult the map of the area for any clues regarding any special mobiles in this area. A list of areas and maps can be found in Category:Areas.
  • Rest until your hit points and mana are at maximum.
  • Set up useful aliases so that you can type commands faster.
  • Make sure there are open exits in case you need to flee. You can't flee through a closed door or gate.
  • Look at and consider the other mobiles in the room. Some mobiles will assist their friends when attacked. Try to push mobiles out of the room so that your target is alone.
  • Cast spells or sing songs that are beneficial to you.

One more item you should also be aware of:

SlothMUD Rule: Player killing is not permitted except under extreme circumstances. For more information, type "help rules" from inside the game.

Initiating Combat

Combat begins when a player attacks a mobile or when an aggressive mobile attacks a player. Players can attack by using the hit command or using an aggressive skill or spell.

Command Explanation
Hit <target>
Kill <target>
Use your wielded weapon or bare hand to attack your target.
Cast 'magic missile' <target>
Cast 'tenebrous claw' <target>
Cast 'turn undead' <target>
Use the aggressive spell to attack your target.
Backstab <target> Use the aggressive skill to attack your target.
Kick <target> Use the aggressive skill to attack your target.

During the Fight

Combat Round

A combat round is a two second time period where everyone involved in the combat attacks using their primary weapon or natural attack. For humanoids this usually means using a weapon or bare-hand. For creatures this is usually a claw and/or bite. These attacks happen automatically, there is no need to retype the "hit" or "kill" commands. Each time you deal damage to your target you earn a small amount of experience.

Entering Commands

During combat you can enter commands that will be executed between the combat rounds. You can cast additional spells or use skills to deliver additional damage to your target.

Hint: When entering aggressive commands like kick or agressive spells like magic missile, you can omit the target if you are already fighting. This will deliver the attack to the mobile you are fighting rather than accidentally targeting a mobile that has just entered the room.

After the Fight

Once combat is complete, you will be rewarded with experience and the mobile's corpse will be dropped in the room. By default, you'll automatically loot the corpse of any gold or items. This is a good time to check your score to see if you have enough experience for your next level.