MUDL:On command

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This MUDL function gets called whenever someone types the given command. So, if you wanted something to happen whenever someone in the room bows, then you would create a MUDL function "on_bow". Note that the MUDL is called BEFORE the command is executed.

Command Syntax

addproc <room|mobile|object> mudl
setproc <room|mobile|object> ## on_command

Global Variables

The following global variables are available:

Name Type Description
 %a Character The character or mobile that initiated the command (the actor).
 %c Character The mobile that the MUDL script is attached to. This value is null if the script is attached to a room, area or object.
 %o Object The object that the MUDL script is attached to. This value is null if the script is attached to a room, area or mobile.
 %room Room The room in the game where the script is being run.
 %area Area The area (zone) in the game where the script is being run.
 %parent Character or Object or Room or Area The in-game element that the MUDL script is attached to. It will be identical to one of %c, %o, %room, or %area.
 %procedure_index Integer The index of the current MUDL procedure on the %parent variable.
 %s String array The arguments the player typed after the command.

Return Values

Your "on_something" MUDL function should return a boolean. If it returns true, that means the command has been intercepted and the MUD should act as if it didn't happen; if it returns false, then the MUD will proceed with the command as normal.

Triggered Scripts

MUDL attached to rooms are always triggered by on_something functions. For MUDL on mobs, on_something functions get called whenever anybody in the room issues a command. Ditto for objects on the floor. For objects in inventory, it gets called whenever the owner issues a command, unless it's in a container in which case it doesn't get called at all. For MUDL on worn/ wielded items it will be called whenever anybody in the room issues a command.



addproc <mobile> mudl
setproc <mobile> 0 on_follow

# Check to see if player is following themselves.
if (char_in_room(%a, %s[1]) = %a,
    # Is the player leaving our group?
    if (master(%a) = %c,
        # Make the game process the command
        cmd(%a, 'follow ' + %s[1]),

        # React
        cmd(%c, 'say Come back soon!'),

        # Stop future processing of this command

    # Player is leaving another group.  Use normal processing.

# Check to see if the player is following us
if (char_in_room(%a, %s[1]) != %c,
    # Not following us.  Use normal processing.

if (false = can_see(%c, %a),
    # Player can't see us.  Use normal processing.

if (master(%a) = %c,
    # Player is already following us.  Use normal processing.

# Make the game process the command
cmd(%a, 'follow ' + %s[1]),

# Make the mob respond
cmd(%c, 'say Yes I am group leader!'),

# Stop future processing of this command

setproc <mobile> 0 PROC_ENABLED 1