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Land of the Firenewts

The non-caster sections of this area is pretty good for a high damage dealer, but you must pay attention as this area is all aggressive. This the majority of this area has lower health mobs, that deal a moderate amount of damage.

Some of the rooms in this area have groups of mobs, such as rooms with three guards, two sergeants, or two commandos. This coupled with the wandering guards can make entering different rooms a bit dangerous. You will be attacked by all the mobs after a round of combat.

Difficulty: 3x20 to 2x40

Mob Damage: Mid

Mob Health: Low

Mob Name Damage Health EXP
firenewt worker Low Low 30k
firenewt guard Low Low 50k
firenewt sergeant Mid Low 50k
firenewt raider Mid Low 50k
firenewt commando Mid Mid 90k
firenewt leader Mid Mid 100k
firenewt commander Mid Mid 100k
firenewt priest Mid* Mid 90k
  • Caster mob: spells can deal significant damage.