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Newbie College

This is the area that a new player should spend their first handful of levels in. The rats, cats and kobolds are great for dulling your first sword on. The adventures are a little tougher, but should prove little difficulty after your first couple of levels.

Difficulty: Level 1 to Level 10

Mob Damage: Low

Mob Health: Low

Mob Name Damage Health EXP
young calico kitten Very Low Very Low 100
small ferret Low Low 100
mean tomcat Low Low 100
stray dog Low Low 200
female citizen Low Low 200
peasant woman Low Low 200
town janitor Low Medium 1k
gnomish sausage vendor Low Medium 1k
elderly man Medium Medium 2k
young cleric Medium Medium 3k
young punk Medium Medium 15k
evil eyed man Medium Medium 20k
old gang member Medium* High 100k
short fat High High 100k

* summons thugs to assist


Newbatia is the town that most new players should be starting in. This area has many mobs that a new player can safely attack, such as the kittens, ferrets and females. However, the difficulties of the mobs rises quickly. Janitors and elders a bit tougher requiring better AC and damage to kill. The thugs in this area are pretty tough, with the older gang members and fat constable being high enough that only those who can take a beating should attempt them.

Difficulty: Level 1 to 4x20

Mob Damage: Low

Mob Health: Low


Newbatia Attics