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Thieves are known to have very special qualities that no other classes offer. Their abilities are exclusive and provide a unique way of life for these mysterious wanderers. These shadow walkers possess skills such as pick locks, glance, steal, and climb which are all deemed improper by the rest of our society and often lead to these characters entertaining bad reputations.

Thieves are specialists at covert activities, able to sneak, hide, and backstab enemies with the greatest of ease. While a thief has very few defensive capabilities, their offensive potential is simply astounding. Backstab, double backstab, circle stabs, and shadow-walking, all combine to make this class very appealing.

Prime Abilities

Thief Stat Order

Second Class
Warrior Dex/Str/Con/Int/Wis
Cleric Dex/Wis/Str/Con/Int
Mage Dex/Int/Str/Con/Wis
Necromancer Dex/Int/Str/Con/Wis
Bard Dex/Int/Str/Con/Wis
Druid Dex/Wis/Str/Con/Int
Monk Dex/Con/Str/Wis/Int


Lvl Name Min Mana Book Book Location(s)
1 Backstab a traitorous tome Guilds
1 Pick Locks a manual with staring eyes on the cover Guilds
1 Search a fortune hunter's guide to all things hidden Guilds
1 Sneak a very quiet manual Guilds
1 Steal a stealthy manual of deception Guilds
1 Tactics a bold looking tome Guilds
1 Tail pages deftly following each other VK Library

BH Magic Shop

5 Palm Five Hands' manual of the Five Fingered Art Thief Guild [AH]
7 Track a manual with footprints upon it The Dreamweaver
8 Trip the story of Molly Droit
9 Disarm Traps guide to disarming traps
10 Climb a book locked with crampons
12 Hide a well hidden manual
13 Spy a very secretive manual
15 Circle (Prime Only) a roundabout book
15 Squirm a slightly sticky training manual
20 Throw a book impaled with darts
22 Sixth Sense a stealthy manual of deception
25 Double Stab a stereo-optical book of knives
31 Apply Poison (Prime Only) an alchemist's toolkit
35 Study a leather-bound portfolio
36 Shadowwalk wind-blown shadow-bound leaves
38 Tumbling Defense a manual of the acrobatic thief
40 Excruciating Blow (Prime Only) a tattered folio *Quest*

Avatar Thief Abilities

AvLvl Name Min Mana Book Book Location(s)
1 Crippling Strike archaic manual of forgotten techniques Tepa
2 Ambush a deceitful tale of avarice
5 Evade Capture a picture book of acrobats
8 Urban Stealth a manual cloaked in shadows
14 Sleight of Hand (Prime Only) guide on transcendental quickness
20 Purloin Aura fundamental guidelines to unscrupulous wizardry

Recommended areas/Discussion?

do do do, figure out what goes here

maybe list the prime thief avatar skills ? purloin aura, sleight of hand.. or maybe just list them under the chart above just put av07 or whatever instead of a # //Benq