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Thordfalan is the center of the old world. Bal Harbor and the immediate surround areas have survived the rendering of the world with little change. After many years of living close to the citizens of Bal Harbor the Gnolls have moved their camp to the great forest that grew up after the Rendering. Since the great temples were destroyed in the rendering a few loyal followers of the God's have built new larger better temples across the face of the continents but their locations have been kept a secret. Many of the maps of the area surrounding Bal Harbor survived the Rendering and are still available to the masses.

Capital City: Bal Harbor Town
Recall Point: West Gate

Area Name Run Difficulty Builder(s)
Asylum, The [+] 4e5n3e Lowbie *Spook*
Bal Harbor Army Encampment [+] 4e6n *Smokin*, *Akasha*
Bal Harbor Town [+] Recall Newbie to Large Group *Geddy*, *Vom*
Castle of the Family Degrance, The [+] 4e8n6e Mid-30s to Large Group *Denbar*, *Akasha*

Catacombs, The [+] 13e3s2e2n Lowbie *Geddy*, *Vom*
Clipper, The [+] 4e10nw8ne; buy striped; 4de; enter clipper (when it arrives) Mid - High *Elwood*
Clouds, The [+] (Need Fly); 15e3s2u Lowbie - High
Crystal Falls [+] 4wsw4s Lowbie - High *Zarc*
Dark Covenant, The [+] 4wsw4sd Lowbie - High Group *Tony*
Draconian Lair [+] 1e of Tiamat//secret key through Westwood Very High Group *Dug*
Draconis Sewers, The [+] e2s2esd Newbie-Lowbie *Geddy*, *Vom*
Dragon Mountain, The [+] (No Fly) 24wn3w3uwsune; (Have Fly) exam gem High Group-Very High Group *Dug*
Gnoll Stockade, The [+] 4e10nw4n3wn Newbie *Vom*
Village of the Kobolds, The [+] w6s Newbie *Balrog*