Area:Ruins of Gildebruun

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Ruins of Gildebruun
Builder: *Neptune*
Date Added:
Continent: Lyme [LY]
Run to Area: Make One!
Repop Time:

Long ago, within the wastelands of what is now known as Lyme was filled with nomadic warriors and chieftains who ravaged the frontier. The wielders of arcane magics and bloodthirsty scallywags were to be found in every dark nook and web-filled cranny. Tired of fighting these evils day in and day out, a group of men banded together and fought off the hordes of bullies from the four corners of the harsh frontier. For many years, these men were successful until one day they had cleared a large expanse free of rivalry. There, on the highest hill, they rose a keep, a stronghold from which to beat back their foes and begin rebuilding their culture. But, in time, the forces of evil rebuilt, too, with even more evil devices and stronger magics. Led by the terrible witch, Gildebruun, the keep eventually fell. To this day, the ancient crone has held the keep in her fiery grasp, practicing the dark arts, spreading fear and despair from her tower within the crumbling keep. On windy, clear nights an eerie light can be seen flickering across the landscape in the top of the ruined tower. Some say, the winds carry the cackles of devils and the crackling of her power, invading the dreams of all who pass through her domain.

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