Area:Canaa and Canaa's Wharf

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Canaa and Canaa's Wharf
Builder: *Enea*
Date Added:
Continent: The Island [IS]
Run to Area:
Repop Time:
Difficulty: Mid - High

The ancient civilization of Canaa never entirely disappeared, but did remain hidden from the rest of civilization (the Oekumene) for thousands of years. A recent correspondence between Chaqpor Wafqa, the village chieftain of Tell Makor, and Haq al Chabda Haqpr, the priest-king of Canaa, have encouraged Haqpr to bring his people back into the civilized world once more. Several brigands and other low people have moved into Canaa since this re-opening, disturbing the peace of the fair city. Surely the merchants and the priest-king himself would be grateful if you were to rid the city of such human vermin.

To the west of the city and the temple mount are the famous wharves of Canaa, with four fully functional sightseeing vessels serviced by other proud and ancient peoples. The wharf area also houses businesses frequented by the captains of these vessels and others, and by the sailors. The sailors prefer their business a little... seedier than the captains require.

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                                                N  U
                                                | /
                                           W ---+--- E
                                              / |      
                                             D  Tel Makor

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