Area:Deep Seam

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Deep Seam, The
Builder: *Idjit*
Date Added:
Continent: Thule [AH]
Run to Area: Make One!
Repop Time:
Difficulty: Low to Sub-Mid

Quick Notes

The dwarves delved too greedily and too deep...

Beneath the bustling dwarf fortress of Rakustfikod lie caverns hewn from a massive meteroid not of our world. Perhaps these halls were carven before the meteoroid struck Jord, throwing up in response the volcanic formations now named Herbalist Isle. Perhaps, even, a bit of both, since Rakustfikod's dwarves are eager to claim the riches of the alien rocks. The seam extends for many kilometers underground and is home to many strange fauna not seen elsewhere. The inter-dimensional merchant Ningauble of the Seven Eyes has heard tell of avians from the stars who once visited him seeking news about this fragment of their home world, more pointedly whether 'outlaws' or a 'mother brain' had escaped. He had no current advice to give them other than to maintain their vigilance. The young woman known only to most as the Herbalist does not appear to send any of her minions directly into the Seam, choosing wisely instead to indirectly employ Countess Vucar's dwarves to retrieve anything of value from the depths that she might need or want. That we know of!


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