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==Gods, Goddesses, and Major Powers==
Tome of Fathmori Legends
  Throughout history, mortals have quailed under the power of the gods.
In the beginning, gods walked the planet of Jord freely, among the
Chapter 1. Legend of Fathmori Lovelette Jovanavuc
mortals which they created. Their influence spread far and wide, until
Chapter 2. The Seed of Njor
wars began to break out between mortals over power and glory in the
Chapter 3. The War of the Black Rose
name of their god. The world nearly torn asunder by mortal bickering,
Chapter 4. The Cleansing
the greatest gods of peace decreed that the true gods should return to
Chapter 5. The Rise of Degrance II
their home plans of existence and no longer interfere directly with mortal
Appendix 1. Gods, Goddesses, and Major Powers
Appendix 2. Demons, Devils, and the Lower Realms
Appendix 3. Guardians - Constructed and Summoned
Appendix 4. Dragons and Giants
Appendix 5. Undead and Beasts of the Night
Appendix 6. Nature's forces and Unnatural Beasts
Appendix 7. Legendary Mortals
Appendix 8. Legendary Relics and Artifacts
    page_1-2a_2="Although godlike in her presence, Tiamat is barely a shadow of Takhisis's
  Although a general agreement was made to obey the pantheon's ruling,
true self, and her true power.  Only when the great travelers visit the
many gods left behind avatars to be worshipped and idolized by the mortal
House of the Dragon, when Takhisis's power is at its greatest, does the
realm.  Even more find occasion to secretly visit the mortal realm.
dragon queen become so bold as to visit the mortal realm in her godly form.
    page_1-2a_1="Massoulette, a renowned historian, theorizes that Takhisis did not return
to the outer realms in total defeat.  Hypothesizing that she knew her armies
could not withstand an onslaught without the aid of her lover Mishakal,
Takhisis allowed herself to be vanquished, leaving behind a permanent
means for her to return to this world.  She planted a seed in the bowels
of Dragon Mountain where was born her avatar likeness, Tiamat.
    page_1-1_title="Page 1-1. Tyrenoth'gyus-zeux, The Breath of Death
    page_1-1_1="The oldest of the old gods known to have ever existed, Tyrenoth'gyus-zeux
ruled the world of Jord in a fury of chaos and destruction that rained
across the planet for countless eons.  With the arrival of the new gods,
Tyrenoth'gyus-zeux witnessed the creation of mortals, which pleased him.
Through all the efforts of the mortals to tame the planet, he found great
joy in causing them pain and despair.
    page_1-1_2="After much turmoil, pain and suffering by mortals, the new gods finally
saw fit to give the mortals the tools and knowledge they needed to face down
the God of Chaos and take Jord for themselves.  Defeating his many legions
of undead and demons, the mortals finally banished Tyrenoth'gyus-zeux to
the outer realms beyond the reach of shadows.
Page 1-1a. Modern History of Tyrenoth'gyus-zeux, The Breath of Death
Page 1-1b. Legends of Tyrenoth'gyus-zeux, The Breath of Death
To read a page type 'read page 1-1a', 'read page 1-1b', etc.";
    page_1-1a_title="Page 1-1a. Modern History of Tyrenoth'gyus-zeux, The Breath of Death
    page_1-1a_1="More recently, Tyrenoth'gyus-zeux was once again summoned from his
banishment by the Mage Lord Bazg.  Great heroes rose up to fight the
onslaught of the Breath of Death, and after much death and great effort
managed to once again banish the god to his prison in the outer realms.
The portal through which the great elder god was summoned remained
open however, giving Tyrenoth'gyus-zeux the ability to gain access to
the land of Jord during the time in which the four wanders align in the
Ancient Darkness.  It is during this time that Tyrenoth'gyus-zeux is at
his most powerful and his followers are able to summon him from beyond
where the shadows linger.
    page_1-1b_title="Page 1-1b. Legends of Tyrenoth'gyus-zeux, The Breath of Death
    page_1-1b_1="Many historians believe the people of the Diabolan Valley still worship
this ancient god.  The final battle between the ancient Celestials took
place at the peak of the icy mountain on which the modern day fortress
resides.  Further evidence supports this point of view when modern heroes
once again fought the Breath of Death within the confines of the fortress.
Although unproven, and always met with skepticism, Massoulette (a prominent
historian and relic hunter) has written many texts about the possibility of
Tyrenoth'gyus-zeux's icy heart carrying the power to bestow a mortal with
the power of the shadows.  This claim is impossible to prove, as
Massoulette goes on to state that only in the gods physical form can one
tear the heart from the god's body.
    page_1-2_title="Page 1-2. Takhisis, Goddess of Evil Dragons
    page_1-2_1="The evil of Takhisis ruled over all that dwells in the shadows for eons
before the gods retired back into the outer realms.  Powerful and
prideful, the evil dragon goddess at first refused to accept the ruling
of the pantheon of gods.
    page_1-2_2="As such, the Dragon Goddess was forcefully removed from the mortal realm
through an epic war so old that history has all but forgotten its existence.
The War of the Dragons, as it was deemed due to the nature of the
contestants, ravaged the lands until a band of average mortals happened
upon Takhisis's weakness - her love for the spider god Mishakal.  By
entrapping him in a prison in the void, they distracted Takhisis long enough
for the gods to banish the goddess to the outer realms.
Page 1-2a. Legends of Takhisis, Goddess of Evil Dragons
To read a page type 'read page 1-2a', 'read page 1-2b', etc.";
    page_1-2a_title="Page 1-2a. Legends of Takhisis, Goddess of Evil Dragons
    page_1-4_title="Page 1-4. Kzartaxen, Firenewt God of War
    page_1-4_1="A lesser god by mortal standards and not even a full god when compared
to other deities in the pantheon, Kzartaxen is an unusual character in
Jared history and Fathmori legend.  The god does not even appear in any
historical account until only a few centuries ago, when he was discovered
deep within the Land of the Fire Newts.  A truly unglorified god to the world,
Kzartaxen is well respected and feared by many of the lizard-ken, including
the races of firenewts, lizard people, and other hybrid reptile races.
    page_1-4_2="Although a young, immature diety, Kzartaxen none-the-less has proven his
wits through the centuries of his life.  Apparently knowing the limits of
his powers and the strength of those who would seek to destroy him, the
young god chooses to only venture forth into this realm with his would be
slayers are cursed by the gods of Futility.
Page 1-4a. Legends of Kzartaxen, Firenewt God of War
To read a page type 'read page 1-4a', 'read page 1-4b', etc.";
    page_1-4a_title="Page 1-4a. Legends of Kzartaxen, Firenewt God of War
    page_1-4a_1="Kzartaxen is known to love his children, the firenewts, greatly, and
rarely leaves their side.  Not considered a true, full god by the pantheon,
Kzartaxen was not forced to enter the outer realm.  The other gods
considered his lack of supreme intelligence and sole focus on the well-
being of his native species to be one for little concern when it came to
mortal interferences.  Massoulette's texts theorize that Kzartaxen was
once a common firenewt priest ages ago, but stumbled upon a recipe for
brewing a potion of ambrosia which bestowed immortality upon the priest.
    page_1-5_title="Page 1-5. Lucifer, The Fallen Angel
    page_1-5_1="A young god by the standards of the pantheon, Lucifer is considered by
many gods to be impudent and unruly, but no true threat to the balance
of power on Jord.  Being sole-focused on corrupting mortals, but with no
true desire to destroy them, the pantheon accepted his request to remain
in the mortal realms along with several lesser 'good' gods as an opposing
balance to the flow of energy.
    page_1-5_2="Given an underworld lair in Hades, Lucifer
rules all powerful in his realm, and as part of the agreement, interferes
with the affairs of mortals through vessels and followers only.  Still
quite powerful by mortal standards, Lucifer's actions in the mortal realm
are considered inconsequential compared to the likes of Tyrenoth'gyus-zeux
or Takhisis.
Page 1-5a.  Modern History of Lucifer, The Fallen Angel
To read a page type 'read page 1-5', 'read page 1-5a', etc.";
    page_1-5a_title="Page 1-5a. Modern History of Lucifer, The Fallen Angel
    page_1-5a_1="Many adventurers have fought their way to Lucifer's underworld lair to
prove their worth against the young god.  Many have succeeded, some have
failed, but as of late, with the influx of evil karma throughout the land of
Jord, Lucifer has gained in strength.  Feeding off the flow of corrupt mana
and evil intentions, Satan has finally started to force the pantheon to
take notice of his growing strength.  Although Lucifer's intentions have not
changed, and his commitment to the original agreement has not swayed
its course, the old gods none-the-less have begun to pay much more
attention to his actions as of late.
    page_2-1_title="Page 2-1. Keadral, Chaos Demon
    page_2-1_1="With origins unknown, and a history long forgotten by the mortal realm,
the only information mortal historians can ascertain about this lost
demon is one of rumors and gossip among spies in the Demonweb Pits.
Seemingly unbeknownst to the rest of the Abyss, Keadral rules over the
chaos that swells in the UnderrealmsThrough intricate plans, and
delicate persuasions, Keadral musters up undying hatreds amongst
the other, more powerful, demons.  A minor demon himself, Keadral
uses his influential powers of manipulation to maintain a network
of both powerful allies to protect his interest as well as keeping his
enemies more concerned with waging war with each other rather than
waging war with him.
    page_2-1_2="Keadral has been spotted wandering the Demonweb Pits ocassionally
when the constellations align in the House of Futility.  The unusual
behavior is believed to be he result of his attempts to avoid confrontations
with demons who may not hold him in the best graces.
    page_2-3_title="Page 2-3. Pale Night, Mother of Demons
    page_2-3_1="One of the most ancient of all demons, and most likely the mother to
all modern demons.  She, if one could truly call it a gender, prefers to
remain in her own realm where her loyal mortal followers bring her
sacrifices in the form of mortals, lesser celestials, and angles for her
to hunt at her leisure.
    page_2-3_3="The extent of the Pale Night's power is mostly unknown, and her ability
to travel freely from her home realm to the mortal realm is engulfed in
    page_2-4_title="Page 2-4. Miska, The Wolf-Spider
    page_2-4_1="Once mighty leader of the dark armies of Takhisis, Miska became
imprisoned in the lower levels of the Abyss during the first God Wars.
Taken as a consort of Takhisis, then made General of her armies, Miska
furiously fought for his Queen's glory.  A ruthless killer, vicious and
merciless, Miska became loathed by even members of his on demon race.
    page_2-4_2="Keadral, the Chaos Demon, seeing the seething hatred boiling beneath
the surface of the Abyss, set in motion a plan to feed off the anomosity
growing for Takhisis and her General.  Regardless of the spite amongst the
demons in their efforts to not allow another demon to rule the Abyss, the
demons found greater loathing in allowing an outside deity and her bastard
lover attain leadership.  Keadral fashioned a staff of imprisonment that,
when stabbed through the heart of Miska, would banish him into a prison
deep in the Abyss.  He gave this staff to the demon Orcus, who faced Miska
in battle and felled the mighty general.
    page_2-4_3="Although Miska is imprisoned, his prison is large (as worthy of a demon).
Restless and impatient, Miska wanders his prison void awaiting his freedom.
Only during such times that the stars are in the House of the Dragon,
anticipating his lover's return, or the Old Forces and Grand Struggles of
the past lure him towards this realm is he close enough to this realm to
be hunted by mortal bounty hunters.
Page 2-4a. The Umbral Bolt, Guardian of the Prison of Miska
To read a page type 'read page 2-4a', 'read page 2-4b', etc.";
    page_2-4a_title="Page 2-4a. The Umbral Bolt, Guardian of the Prison of Miska
    page_2-4a_1="Sitting far beneath the throne of Lolth, the prison of Miska is guarded
by a demon guardian unlike any other on Jord.  The Umbral Bolt is a
dreadful creature which can kill with a mere touch.  In the void
where the bolt resides are storms of mana that brew and churn continuously.
The bolt stores this power, limitless and infinite as it may be, until
such time as it is needed to stop would be intruders from entering
the object being guarded.
    page_2-4a_2="Extremely intelligent, the Umbral Bolt can guard more than one entrance.
into a plane, thus many adventurers often do not find the Bolt when they
look, but often stumble upon it unexpectedly (which is very dangerous).
    page_3-1_title="Page 3-1. An Acid Golem
    page_3-1_1="Created as a guardian of the Temple of the Moon, the Acid Golem is a
benevolent creature by nature.  The constructs only mission, to protect
that which the followers of the Moon held so dear.  Historians know not
what this mystical item may have been, but there are speculations that
the treasure the golem protects was a relic from the ancient Celestial
War that ravaged the land of Jord in the beginnings of time.
Page 3-1a. Ancient History of the Order of the Moon
Page 3-1b. Modern History of the Acid Golem
To read a page type 'read page 3-1a', 'read page 3-1b', etc.";
    page_3-1a_title="Page 3-1a. Ancient History of the Order of the Moon
    page_3-1a_1="The Order of the Moon had always been rumored to be the guardians of
one of the relics from the Celestial War, and through countless centuries
they protected the secret of the where-abouts of the relics. In the
centuries following the Celestial War, many power-hungry tyrants forged
epic battles against the Temple of the Moon.  All attempts failed under
the might of the Order's moon magic.
    page_3-1a_2="Not until Iggwilv, the Witch Queen, sister to Lo'Morl, the then Master
of the Knights of the Blood Rose, joined forces to destroy the Order and
retrieve the relic once and for all.  The brother-sister duo proved to be
more powerful than the Order could defend against, and the Temple of the
Moon fell.
    page_3-1a_3="Yet, even in the throes of defeat, the Order of the Moon would not
divulge the location of the Celestial Relic.  After the destruction of the
Order, the seigers turned their attention to the Acid Golem who still stood
vigilant over its secrets.  The battle between the seigers and the golem
raged for days as liches, wizards, and necromancers found their powers
useless against this mighty foe.  Finally the golem was beaten down by lowly
zombies and their clubbed fists.
    page_3-1b_title="The Temple of the Order of the Moon now lies in ruins, inhabited by
fiends stranded by Iggwilv and Lo'Morl when they finally gave up on the
search for the Celestial Relic.  Even so, the regenerative powers of the
Acid Golem allows it to regrow over time, and a few adventurers have been
so honored to view the most masterfully built of all golems on the rare
occasion when the great master Twivel graces the nighttime skies.
    page_3-2_title="Page 3-2. An Arcane Ooze
    page_3-2_1="One of the most innovative and diabolical constructs ever to be imagined,
the Arcane Ooze is a magic-user's worst nightmare.  Invented by Temiaget,
of the Order of the Dark Robes and previous Master of the Black Robes in
the Tower of High Sorcery, the Arcane Ooze became his pet project in the
final years of his life before the Reckoning.  Created with the sole purpose
of protecting an ancient relic left in the care of the masters of the Tower of
High Sorcery, the Arcane Ooze continues to perform its duties to this day,
long after the Reckoning and the destruction of its master.
Page 3-2a.  Ancient History of An Arcane Ooze
Page 3-2b.  Modern History of An Arcane Ooze
To read a page type 'read page 3-2a', 'read page 3-2b', etc.";
    page_3-2a_title="Page 3-2a.  Ancient History of An Arcane Ooze
    page_3-2a_1="Not long after the Celestial War, the surviving members of the group of
heroes who defeated Tyrenoth'gyus-zeux, The Breath of Death used their
power and influence to open a school of magic to teach young magic-users
the principles and morals of magic.  They named this school the Tower of
High Sorcery, or as laymen called it The Mage Tower.  Their plan was to
craft the skills of young magic-users and guide them in the ways to use
their magics to serve the mortal realm.  They decided that a member
representing the dark arts should be allowed onto the council as to keep
a balance with the nature of mana.
    page_3-2a_2="With the help of all three of the masters (of the white, of the black,
and of the red), the Celestials entombed a single relic left over from the
war in a secret tomb beneath the Tower.  There the relic remained
hidden for centuries until a young necromancer named Verenestra learned
of the relic's existence through a well-planned rumor seeded by the Mage
Lord Bazg.  Offering Verenestra unimaginable power if the relic could be
recovered, Bazg set into motion the destined destruction of the Tower
of High Sorcery.
    page_3-2a_3="Once the masters discovered Verenestra's plan to steal the relic, they
elected to banish the young necromancer from the school forever.  Not
to be discouraged, Verenestra waited and trained under the Mage Lord
Bazg until the young necromancer was powerful enough to create an army
of humanoids known as the dragonittes - a hybrid mutation of dragons and
lizard-folk.  Using his army, Verenestra struck out at the Tower.  His
army surged through the Tower's defenses, with the magically resistant
dragonittes leading the charge.
    page_3-2a_4="Backed by the unseen power of the Mage Lord Bazg, Verenestra's army
made quick work of the Tower, destroying everything in its walls, and
eventually destroying the walls themselves.  The Tower in ruins, and its
defenses annihilated, Verenestra set about recovering the celestial
relic for his master.  What the necromancer found almost cost him his life.
    page_3-2b_title="Page 3-2b.  Modern History of An Arcane Ooze
    page_3-2b_1="The masters of the Tower were not such fools as to leave the relic easily
recoverable, nor unguarded.  The dark master Temiaget created a beast
so unimaginably evil that Verenestra very nearly lost his life to the Arcane
Ooze that guarded the sealed vault.  The Arcane Ooze dominated the battle,
absorbing nearly every spell Verenestra could unleash on the beast, and
forcing the necromancer to flee for his life.  Not to be foiled, Verenestra
set his troops about the mission of destroying the Arcane Ooze and
retrieving the hidden relic.
    page_3-2b_2="Soon Verenestra found yet another trick Temiaget had prepared for any
would-be thief.  When the necromancer's army returned to the underground
vault, they found it empty, the door torn from its hinges, and the Arcane
Ooze gone.  After muc research, Verenestra finally unlocked the secret to
Temiaget's devious spell of protection. Verenestra discovered that the relic
was actually inside the Arcane Ooze, being used as magical fuel to sustain
the vile creature.  Beyond this annoyance, he also discovered from pieces
of texts gathered from ruins that the Arcane Ooze only became visible in
this realm during the House of Long Shadows.
    page_3-3_title="Page 3-3. Tarrasque, Chaos Incarnate
    page_3-3_1="No historian is sure who created the Tarrasque or when or why.  Some
believe it was a curse from the gods on mortals during a time of high
prosperity when the world forgot about the gods and began to praise
false priests for good fortunes.  Others believe the creature was created
as the final act of a demented wizard eons ago as a curse on all those
who mocked him.  Even the great Massoulette has no solid theory on
the origins of the beast.
    page_3-3_2="The only true facts known about the Tarrasque is that of its destructive
power, and its voracious appetite.  Luckily the beast spends the majority
of its time sleeping somewhere deep below the icy mountains of the
northern lands.  The beast's hunger is the only thing that awakens it from
its slumber, and as of yet, no one has successfully mapped the Tarrasque's
feeding schedule.  During some periods, centuries have been known to pass
before it awakened, while during other periods, only a few decades have
passed between sightings.
    page_3-3_3="Legend tells that the Tarrasque spends the majority of its time sleeping
in a secret lair hidden deep inside the bowels of Jord, only to awaken
once every undetermined number of years to wreck havoc upon the
inhabitants of Jord.  Once the beast has its fill, it returns to its
slumber as suddenly as it awoke.  There is no doubt, however, that when
the Tarrasque awakens, the world is surely in great peril until its
hunger is fed.
    page_3-4_title="Page 3-4. Umbral Bolt
    page_3-4_1="Mystery and death surround the creature known as the Umbral Bolt.  A
guardian created by gods to guard the lairs (and prisons) of gods, the
Bolt knows no emotions, fears nothing, and has the ability to bring down
armies of heroes.  Little is known about the Bolt.  Few have survived an
encounter with the beast to report any information.  Sages who have
investigated the aftermath of the Bolt's destruction theorize that the
beast likely sacrifices itself to destroy those who would attempt to
unlock whatever secret it has been ordered to guard.
    page_3-6_title="Page 3-6. Klklklpa
    page_3-6_1="After years of rumors and innuendo about the sexual mores of Messrs Foom
and Haupha, professors at the School of Cholemry at Bal Harbor, the truth
has been discovered.  True to their word, the reason they left their
previous employment had nothing to do with sex; what they left out,
though, is that it had nothing to do with the bangs, booms, and crashes
caused by other mages, either.  No, this was something more sinister
indeed.  According to several different anonymous sources, the two of them
spent years together attempting to build a more perfect golem: larger than
usual, made of stronger materials, more durable, more intelligent, and
more dextrous.
    page_3-6_2="Unfortunately they left out the part about being obediant.
As a result, they had on their hands an abomination of a creation with
no way to destroy it.  It was simply too strong for them to erase their
work.  This man-made creature, this pitiable soulless thing, is now kept
securely locked underneath a grate in the basement of their new school,
where at least it can do no harm.
    page_4-3_title="Page 4-3. Baraneth, Queen of the Golden Dragons
    page_4-3_1="The actual age of Baraneth is indeterminable, as is her strength.  The
mighty Queen of the Golden Dragons is a benevolent soul, preferring
to observe mortals from a distance rather than interact with them
personally, as some of her younger kin feel inclined to do.  Baraneth
only wishes to be left alone with her one weakness, which is, as with
every dragon, her treasure.
    page_4-3_2="Baraneth rules a vast territory far south of the main lands on a small
island inhabited mostly by prehistoric creatures.  Her territory, however,
intersects with that of the Bloody Head Tribe, led by the famous ogre-
warrior Vouhx-t.
Page 4-3a.  Modern History of Baraneth, Queen of the Golden Dragons
To read a page type 'read page 4-3a', 'read page 4-3b', etc.";
    page_4-3a_title="Page 4-3a.  Modern History of Baraneth, Queen of the Golden Dragons
    page_4-3a_1="Baraneth cares little for the petty annoyance that is the Bloody Head
Tribe, however, Vouhx-t sees the claim on his civilization's borders as
a direct insult and therefore goes to great lengths to entice Baraneth's
would-be enemies to attack her in hopes that she might be destroyed
and his land returned to his tribe.
    page_4-3a_2="One such event took place only a few decades ago when Vouhx-t tricked
a band of heroes into stealing the Dragon Queen's treasure.  After an epic
battle, the heroes did defeat Baraneth, but not completely destroy her
essence.  She has never quite forgiven the mortals for blindly following
Vouhx-t's plot and attacking her, but her benevolence runs true as she
remains tolerant of mortal activities in her lands, but has annihilated
several groups of adventures who attempted to steal her treasure.
    page_5-1_title="Page 5-1. General Oth, Commander of the Undead Legions
    page_5-1_1="General Oth leads the legions of undead in the mortal realm of Jord.  A
fearsome presence that has broken the morale of many troops of would be
heroes in ages past, Oth and his legions have slaughtered many armies that
have attempted to thrawt the plans of his lord and master, Mage Lord Bagz.
The legions have made their home in the ancient capital of Kara'sa for
centuries, but have remained silent in their planning until recent decades
when long lost ancient relics have been uncovered that allow the summoning
of Tyrenoth'gyus-zeux.
    page_5-1_2="Eons ago, when the continents were as one, battles raged between the
empire of Degrance and the vindictive King Arivan of Kara'sa.  These
battles for surpremacy of the world ravaged the land until the Mage Bazg
tricked an army of mortals into recovering several ancient relics that
led to the recreation of the Armageddon Clock.  This single event destroyed
the world, sundering the empire of Bal Harbor into several smaller
continents and banished Lord Oth into the realm of shadows where he plots
and plans his return to this realm when the Ancient Darkness returns.
    page_5-1_3="With a protective magical shell encasing Kara'sa, the aim of this
cataclysm to shatter the world, leaving only the native Karasans to rule
the remains and rebuild an empire in their own likeness.  This failed,
as the gods intervened on Bal Harbor's behalf and at the last moment cast
a spell of protection around the world to prevent the total annihilation
of human kind.  Oth reigns over the souls lost in this epic event and,
along with the master Mage Bazg and the ghost of King Arivan, it is their
plan to rule the world and destroy the Degrance lineage.
    page_5-2_title="Page 5-2. Alhoon, The Undead Illithid
    page_5-2_1="Few creatures on the planet inspire the type of fear in the minds of
mortals than the rumors of Illithids walking the realm.  A powerful sect
of mind controlling psionics, the illithids use mortals as laboratory
rats to undertake their vicious experiments.  However, even with the dread
that comes with the thought of the rumors of Illithids being true, even
more dreadful possibility is the existance of the Illithid outcast known
as Alhoon.
    page_5-2_2="The Alhoon is shunned by even its own species as an abomination.  An
Illithid which chose to undertake a path of necromancy, the Alhoon is a
creature which devours life and feeds off the fear it inspires.  Little is
known about this forbodding monster other than it wanders throughout remote
villages and settlements of humans in search of new test subjects to create
new types of undead.  The Alhoon's sole objective is maintaining its own
life essence by consuming the energies that course through the planet.
    page_6-2_title="Page 6-2. An Omnimental
    page_6-2_1="Originally created to be a peace keeper between warring elemental
factions, the Omnimentals soon grew to detest their barbaric masters,
eventually breaking free of the containment spell that bound them.  Only a
handful remained behind on Jord's elemental planes, sad to leave a world
so in need of their elemental neutrality.
    page_6-2_2="Usually non-aggressive, these peaceful giants are nonetheless dangerous
to all existing races on Jord.  Rumors ride wild winds about Omnimentals
that might decide the best way to ease the warring tensions among races and
species is to cleanse the world.  With the power to accomplish such a feat,
many Omnimentals have been hunted down and slaughtered out of fear for the
theorized awakening.
    page_6-2_3="Unlike their single-oriented elemental masters, Omnimentals have mastery
over all elements, and weaknesses to none.  If forced to submerge, the
Omnimental will simply rotate its element strength to join with the water
while the fire is withdrawn into the cloudy presence of its essence.
Omnimentals have appeared in this realm in the droves, each time the
seasons suit them, or they are lured to this realm by the power of the
stars.  Sages have managed to acccurately predict the appearance during
the houses of Winter, Spring, Nature, Heat, and Sun.
    page_6-4_title="Page 6-4. The Were-Lord, Lupine
    page_6-4_1="Every so many centuries a lycanthrope is born that is truly terrifying.
Stronger, smarter, faster, and able to command legions of were-creatures
that wander the land, these Were-Lords are incredibly dangerous creatures.
Lupine is no exception.  Although young and still immature, Lupine still
possesses the strength to unite the lycan races and form a formidable power
for the growing evil in the land.
    page_6-4_2="The beast comes and goes with the wind, but there are many witnesses to
attest to the fact that he does exist.
    page_6-5_title="Page 6-5. The Cave Troll, Uhhhl
    page_6-5_1="Not much can be said about this meandering beast.  Stupid, even by cave
troll standards, Uhhhl was kicked out of his tribe by his father for being
too aggressive when he killed the slaves out of boredom.  He has been seen
wandering the western jungles around Bal Harbor, apparently not wanting
to wander too far from his birthplace.
    page_7-1_title="Page 7-1. The Mage Lord Bazg
    page_7-1_1="The Mage Lord Bazg is one of the most powerful mages to ever walk the
land of Jord.  A counsel to both King Arivan of Kara'sa and Baron Drezmir
of the Sardaukar, Bazg is the only mortal to have ever successfully drawn
upon the acnient magics of the Creators to summon truly unholy creatures
into this realm.  A key figure in the Celestial War, Bazg summoned
Tyrenoth'gyus-zeux, The Breath of Death into this realm in an attempt
to reposition Drezmir as a legitimate ruler of Jord.
    page_7-1_2="Overwhelmed by mortal heroes from Bal Harbor, Bazg was brought down after
weeks of fighting that very nearly sundered the world again.  Angered
by the mage lord's inability to ensure his safe resurrection,
Tyrenoth'gyus-zeux removed Bazg from this realm and tossed him into a
prison to be tormented by the god until the Ancient Darkness returns.
    page_7-2_title="Page 7-2. Bolg, King of the Goblin Empire
    page_7-2_1="A relative newcomer to the Tome of Fathmori Legends, Bolg arose from the
ashes of a long-believed dead lineage of goblin shamans. For centuries the
goblin communities have been unorganized and of litle concern to any of
the other humanoid species.  With the arrival of Bolg however, the goblin
nations are once again united under a single leader.
As of this edition of the Tome of Fathmori, little is known about Bolg.
    page_7-4_title="Page 7-4. Tasha, Mistress of Blades
    page_7-4_1="Originating from a long line of pirates, Tasha is the great granddaughter
of Nygol, captain of the legendary Asheron.  In the public eye, Tasha's
half-brother, Horto, is the captain of the pirates of the South Seas.
However, among all those concerned within the pirate ranks, Tasha is the
true leader of the pirates.
    page_7-4_2="A dominant woman, fierce in battle, and stronger of will than almost any
sea-going man, Tasha rules the South Seas with a strong arm that wields
the Saber of the Heavens.  Many men have tried to dethrone her position
as leader of the pirates, and all have fallen to her prowess with blades.
    page_7-4_3="Through her lifetime she has gained the nickname, Blade Mistress.  Any who
have witnessed her fight can atest that this name is more than appropriate.
Tasha has recently taken on a role as a mercenary to some unseen evil that
grows throughout the land.  As such, in days of late, Tasha has only been
seen mingling with her pirate comrades when the stars align in darkness
and the Shadows are at their peak.
    page_7-5_title="Page 7-5. Lo'Hoal, Master of the Knights of the Blood Rose
    page_7-5_1="(Our scribes are still trying to translate this text, but he has been
    page_7-6_title="Page 7-6. Iggwilv, the Witch Queen
    page_7-6_1="The witch queen Iggwilv is reported to be the mother of several minor
demons of the Abyss.  Her lover, Lord Graz'zt, is believed to be the
father of these demons.  Her evil knows no bounds.  A being of pure evil,
Iggwilv is both the seductress that haunts the dreams of love-struck
fools, and the malicious beast that devours souls while they sleep.
With a birthright that can be traced through the Demonweb and the Abyss,
Iggwilv is the favored child (and lover) of many demons.
    page_7-6_2="To receive the curse of Iggwilv is to be branded throughout the realms as
a target for hundreds of demons.  While in the mortal realm, Iggwilv
claims her residence in the domain of her fellow witches.  She if often
absent from her mortal children, perfering to remain closer to her lover
in the Abyss.  Her appearance in the mortal realm is a rarity, only
reported to appear in this realm when events are beneficial for necromancy
and summoning.  During her stay in the mortal realm, her power can be felt
across the land of Thordfalan.
    page_7-7_title="Page 7-7. Vouhx-t of the Bloody Head Tribe
    page_7-7_1="Vouhx-t is the chieftan of the feared Bloody Head Tribe of ogres that
once ruled the dwarven lands of Settlestone decades ago.  The tribe lived
up to its name, massacring villagers and travelers across the continent.
A savage leader, Vouhx-t saw fit to leave no living soul in his path of
slaughter and chaos.  Fueled by bloodrage and a berserker madness, the
ogre chieftan feared nothing and led a band of ogres that craved the
taste of all humanoid blood.
    page_7-7_2="This massacre carried on unabated for years, until at last a band of
mortal heroes who were called upon to put an end to his savagry tracked
him down and destroyed the backbone of the tribe.  Dispersed and
de-moralized, the Bloody Head Tribe was absorbed by another tribe led
by the mighty ogre king Lormak.
    page_7-7_3="Vouhx-t vowed loyalty to the mighty ogre king, but never gave up on
finding a way to become even more powerful.  Scowering the continent of
Settlestone, he continues to search for a means to defeat those heroes
that stole his glory.  When he is not off on long wandering treks, Vouhx-t
likes to visit the only being in the world he calls friend, Kirafu.  These
visits are rare, and unpredictable.
    page_8-1_title="Page 8-1. Seed of Njor
    page_8-1_1="Following The Cleansing, the Seed of Njor vanished from the mortal realm.
Many heroes have sought the ancient artifact, but none have stumbled upon
its where-abouts.  Recently reports have been flooding that King Luicus
Dergance II may have actually stumbled upon documents written by Fathmori
that suggest that the Seed was split into two pieces after The Cleansing.
    page_8-1_2="The Creators attempted to destroy the cursed relic during The Cleansing,
but their combined power was not enough to undo the magic of Pron and
WoWiWe.  In an effort to ensure that the Seed would never be found, they
split the artifact into its two distinct parts.  One part cursed by Pron,
the other blessed by WoWiWe, both parts possessing attributes from one
another, neither entirely good nor evil.  The Creators knew that although
they could not completely destroy the Seed, only as a single, joined
object would itbe of any use to the mortals who so strongly sought after
it.  In the process of splitting it, the Creators summoned two creatures
to act as guardians that Pron and WoWiWe had created to protect the Seed
in just such an event.
    page_8-1_3="Being of liquid form and favoring nature and the elements, WoWiWe created
a protector for the Blessed Seed Pod that would reflect the beauty of the
image he had envisioned for the mortals of Jord.  A guardian whose sole
command was to wisk the Seed Pod away to a place of peace where the mortal
guardians of nature could oversee to its security.  There the Seed Pod
has rested in the safety of the guardian's clutches for decades.
    page_8-1_4="Pron, however, was a raging fury, savage and furious with mortals, and
thus created a guardian for the Cursed Seed Pod that would reflect the
twisted nightmares that mortal-kind has created from WoWiWe's beautiful
nature.  The guardian was commanded to thieve away with the Cursed Pod
and secure it in a place of ancient horrors.  Horrors so terrifying that
not even the greedy spirits of mortals would dare venture into to recover
it.  There the Cursed Pod has rested, deep in the slime-ridden lair
of the twisted guardian.
    page_8-2_title="Page 8-2. The Compass of Seeking
    page_8-2_1="The Compass of Seeking is fabled to be a pirate's ultimate trinket.
Forged not long after humans became skilled at ship building and sailing
the Deep Seas, the compass was once used to discover new, unexplored lands.
However, as is human nature, those without will steal from those who have.
Such came of the Compass of Seeking when the first pirates began to sail
the seas and stole the compass from friendly merchant vessels.
    page_8-2_2="The compass's major claim to fame is its ability to write maps upon
blank parchments to which it is attached.  The parchments will then show
the bearer the location of that which they seek.  The rumored curse of
using the compass in this manner is that once it is attached, it can only
be removed by one familiar with the arcane magics from eons past.
    page_8-3_title="Page 8-3. Pearl of True Sight
    page_8-3_1="More of a myth than an actual fact of history, the Pearl of True Sight
is rumored to bestow the bearer with visions of the future in relation
to current desires.  Legend relates that the Pearl of True Sight was
forged by a master alchemist at the behest of one of the original pirates.
Those in the past who have sworn to have laid eyes (or hands) on the
Pearl report that the relic's powers are only usable by direct descendants
of the original pirate who ordered its creation.
    page_8-3_2="Although all these rumors ran rampant centuries ago, but have as of late
been strangely absent from bard tales and gossip-mongers.  The last rumor
to be reported that the Pearl had been buried with Pirate King Bokort.
The individual who made this report also stated that the tomb of the
pirate king is protected by a puzzle designed to test patience and skill.
Only the true ancient treasure map offers any clues on where to find the
tomb and how to navigate the puzzle therein.
    page_8-3_3="All texts on this subject are based solely on rumors, but through thorough
investigations, the belief is that each map attuned itself to its holder,
thus making the burial chamber that much more dificult to locate.  Upon
locating the burial chamber, one report relates 'As we stood on the penacle
of the Isle, I watched as Fiydel held the map aloft and recited the ancient
text and was suddenly sucked into the hereafter. I've never heard from him
    page_8-4_title="Page 8-4. Blade of Ascension
    page_8-4_1="The legendary Blade of Ascension is a relic from the ancient past that
is rumored to be the most glorious sword known in the mortal realm.  Only
one hero in history has ever been rumored to have obtained this rare and
treasured weapon.  This warrior gave up his soul and everything pure in
his life to attain the power that the sword promised, only to become
completely corrupt under the immense power of the blade.
    page_8-4_2="The warrior once fought for goodness and honor, defending human kind and
purging the world of evil.  The young warrior's name now echoes throughout
the realm as one of the most hated, most dreadful names to cross the lips
of the dying.  A young warrior named Otholem of Kara'sa, a burning light
in a reign of darkness, the young warrior served a tyranous king without
question.  As his reputation and honor increased, the Blade of Ascension
sought him out, tempting him with power beyond his belief, power to
vanquish his enemies, and those of his king.
    page_8-4_3="Unbeknownst the the young, inexperienced warrior, the Blade's power came
with an immense price, his soul.  Consumed by the power of the Blade,
Otholem was blinded by the desires of his king, enveloped by the power,
the young warrior lost focus on honor and sought only more power.  When
the end came, and the Armagedon Clock struck neigh, the world came to a
screeching halt.  With the mortal death of its owner, the Blade of
Ascension again returned to its lair to await the next epic hero who
would be teased by its legend and seek it out.
    page_8-6_title="Page 8-6. Robes of Invisibility
    page_8-6_1="A relic of the past, the Robe of Invisibilty is a artifact lost in the
pirate wars in the beginning days of intercontinental shipping.  Rumors
abound among the pirate nations about a mysterious ship that sailed the
South Seas with sails that cloaked the vessel in a veil of invisibility.
No document in historical record reveals the origins of these sails, nor
the validity of the myth surrounding the unnamed pirate ship.
    page_8-6_2="During some unrecorded point in history, a sail reportedly became shredded
by a monstrous leviathan.  This piece of sail from the ship was found by
a kender, who fashioned the sail into a robe and vanished from the world
forever.  Everyone knows the dangers of having a kender around, but tales
abound throughout the world of mysterious disappearances of items,
trinkets, equipment, and other shiny objects that have been blamed on
this invisible kender.  The truth of these rumors has no known proof, and
the likelihood of any kender surving as long as this wive's tale has been
in circulation is doubtful.  None-the-less, the tale still reappears each
time an item goes missing with no explanation.
    page_8-7_title="Page 8-7. Gauntlets of Mishakal
    page_8-7_1="A relic of long past, the Gauntlets of Mishakal were a gift to the Wolf
Spider God, Mishakal from his lover Takhisis.  The combined power of the
two gods ruled the world for several centuries in eons past.  Along with
the aid of ancient creator-gods such as Tyrenoth'gyus-zeux, and the One
Who Shall Not Be Named, these two young gods spread havoc and chaos
across the land of Jord.  The powers of good fought courageously against
the denizens of the duo, but failed to completely vanquish the evil.
    page_8-7_2="The gauntlets are fabled to have been a gift from Takhisis to Mishakal
on the eve of what was supposed to have been their greatest victory over
good.  However, their plan was to be thrawted by a mere mortal.  With the
help of a mere bard named Fathmori, the gods of good led Mishakal into a
trap - where he remains to this day.  No one has ever recorded the true
powers of the god's Gauntlets, nor whether they were taken by the god to
his prison.  They have not been seen since those dark times, but
historians, and relic hunters still believe that the gauntlets are hidden
somewhere deep in the recesses of Jord, waiting for a true hero to happen
across them.
*[[Epic:Tyrenoth'gyus-zeux, The Breath of Death|Tyrenoth'gyus-zeux, The Breath of Death]]
*[[Epic:Takhisis, Goddess of Evil Dragons|Takhisis, Goddess of Evil Dragons]]
*[[Epic:Lucifer, The Fallen Angel|Lucifer, The Fallen Angel]]
==Demons, Devils, and the Lower Realms==
  Since the beginning of time, the evil gods have tortured those mortals
whose hearts reach out in kindness.  Over the course of eons, the dark
powers wielded by these evil gods twisted and reshape them.  No longer
were they awe-inspiring brilliant lights for all to worship, rather the
power turned them into what the mortals feared most - twisted,
sinister, monstrous creatures that roamed the shadows, fed on fear,
and ravaged the mind of sanity.
  Engulfed in their cruelty, these evil gods have in turn created evil
beings to go forth into the world and haunt all of Jord.  These creatures,
coined Demons and Devils, are often benign, held under sway by the laws
governing the pantheon of gods, but sometimes, when the stars align, and
darkness is at its most powerful, the full power of these creatures can
be felt throughout the world.
  In recent centuries, however, Lolth, Queen of the Demonweb Pits has gone
to extreme lengths to create a network of portals to allow all of the major
demons access to her realm in the Demonweb.  Many wars rage in the Abyss,
and purveyors of the eternal wars that rage there theorize that Lolth has
created this network to benefit her power and influence in the Abyss.  As
demons come to her seeking aid, she enters into tenuous agreements
that provide her with powerful allies.  A master of diplomacy in the Abyss,
Lolth's influence has reached a milestone in recent years and it is only
a matter of time before her true purpose becomes evident.
* [[Epic:Keadral, Chaos Demon|Keadral, Chaos Demon]]
* [[Epic:Pale Night, Mother of Demons|Pale Night, Mother of Demons]]
* [[Epic:Miska, The Wolf-Spider|Miska, The Wolf-Spider]]
==Guardians - Constructed and Summoned==
==Dragons and Giants==
==Undead and Beasts of the Night==
==Nature's forces and Unnatural Beasts==
==Legendary Mortals==
==Legendary Relics and Artifacts==

Latest revision as of 03:32, 4 March 2011

Gods, Goddesses, and Major Powers

Demons, Devils, and the Lower Realms

Guardians - Constructed and Summoned

Dragons and Giants

Undead and Beasts of the Night

Nature's forces and Unnatural Beasts

Legendary Mortals

Legendary Relics and Artifacts