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The gods have bestowed upon their most fervent followers the ability to  
The gods have bestowed upon their most fervent followers the ability to  
pray and receive special blessed equipment.  Only one instance of each type  
receive special blessed equipment whenever they pray at their altars.  Only  
of holy equipment particular to a deity can exist.  Should a more faithful  
one instance of each type of holy equipment particular to a deity can exist
servant of the same god pray for a piece of holy equipment in use by a  
at any given time.  Should a more faithful servant of the same god pray for  
lesser follower, the equipment will disappear from the latter for the  
a piece of holy equipment in use by a lesser follower, the equipment will  
former's use.
disappear from the latter's possession for the former's use.
Do not incur the deity's wrath by praying for more than one piece of holy  
Do not incur the deity's wrath by praying for more than one piece of holy  

Revision as of 10:08, 6 February 2011

Name Location Attributes
Holy Symbol Held High +15 Mana
+2 Mana Regen
Holy Ring Finger +20 Mana
+1 INT
Holy Shroud Neck -0.8 AC
+20 Hit Points
Holy Wings On Body -1.5 AC
+1 Dam
+25 Move
Holy Halo Head -1.2 AC
+1 CON
+1 STR
Holy Greaves Legs -1.6 AC
+1 CON
Holy Sandals Feet -0.4 AC
+1 STR
+3 Move Regen
Holy Gauntlets Hands -0.3 AC
+1 Dam
+20 Moves
Holy Sleeves Arms -0.5 AC
+1 Dam
+10 Mana
Holy Shield Shield -1.1 AC
+1 STR
Holy Sword Weapon 3d7
+3 Hit
+1 Dam
Holy Dagger Weapon 6d2
+3 Hit
+2 Move Regen
Holy Sceptre Held Low -0.7 AC