Area:Tabaxi Wilds

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Tabaxi Wilds
Builder: *Tysmiha*, *Blade*
Date Added:
Continent: The Island [IS]
Run to Area: 3es2en; open door; 3nuw; open door n; n; open box; s2wnwswnw2sw2n3w
Repop Time:
Difficulty: High - Large Groups

This remote area of jungle is home to a group of ferral cat people. Just like a house cat they will ignore you until you look at them wrong then WHAM! your dead. It's best to watch out when travel these lands, the bigger the cat, the quicker your death!

Quick Notes


Adjacent Areas

                                                N  U
                                                | /
                                           W ---+--- Area:Tarot Maze
                                              / |      
                                             D  S

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