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Builder: *Tox*, *Lace*
Date Added:
Continent: Lyme [LY]
Run to Area: s5ed4enwu;open gate;n;open gate e;e2ne2ne3n5w
Repop Time:

A long time ago Semester used to be a thriving town. Then one day the undead rose from the ground, overrunning the town. Every citizen of the town was slain, and on the following night rose to haunt the dead town. Now afraid of fire, the undead ran to hide when most of their city caught on fire from a piece of debris that exploded from the volcano to the north. Only the ghostly skeletal forms of destroyed buildings stand as tombstones to a much kinder day.

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                                                N  U
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                                           W ---+--- The Lost Cross
                                              / |      
                                             D  S

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