Area:The Rainbow Valley

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The Rainbow Valley
Builder: *Neptune*
Date Added: 2010.08.02
Continent: The Island [IS]
Run to Area: 3eseses3e 2n2e4es3e2n2e2n 2wu2eu3w2nu3e nunesunwun
Repop Time:

Newly uncovered are the remains of a journal found clutched within the grip of the mummified remains of an ancient Galavan man who, we believe, inhabited what is now known as The Thalassian Savanna. Through painstaking excavation and countless hours, we are now pleased to be able to present to the public for the first time a translation of a section of the text. We hope you enjoy this bit of history as we, The Galavan Historical Society, have been simply elated at the recent progress.

Yours Truly,
Viggor Undamharten, Director
The Galavan Historical Society,
This day, the Day of Freedom,
Within the month of the Ancient Darkness,
The year of our Lord Neptune, 819

The text begins as follows:

Last night, we found a warm, dry place within a ring of trees where we decided to break for camp. Spirits around the fire were pretty somber as we are all starving. We haven't seen much in the way of game since the snow started falling again. The drifts have covered all tracks and frozen nearly every source of water that we come across. The general attitude amongst my Galavan brothers and sisters is one of distemper and restlessness. I thought I heard a few of them mentioning going back to the wilderness.

Today was much more fruitful as Yarbola, the hunter, slayed several rabbits and geese that were gathered around a free flowing stream of water coming down from the mountain ridge before us. The temperature seems to have warmed as we've neared the mountains. Also, today, I spotted a couple gulls - so noted by their wide dangling feet as they hovered above the head of Xelfin's son's head as he tossed bread crumbs up to them. This is a good sign because it means that we are nearing the sea, and a source of food and water.

We plan to trek up the mountain ridge and enter what appears to to be a lush, green forest covering the mountain all the way to the top. If I listen real hard, I think I can hear the crashing of the waves on the beach in the distance. Ibor, our leader, tells us he has seen our journey's end and is eager to take us further. He says that when our journey concludes, we will all be sated, and we will find more treasure and safety from predators and hunters than we could have hoped. I think this may be a bit inflated on his part, but then again, who am I to question our priest, right?

Carnellian, Galavan Woodsman
Day of the Fox, Month of the Bull,
Year of our Lord Neptune 217.

End of Text.

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