Area:Kingdom of Jrontauq

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Kingdom of Jrontauq
Builder: *Seda*
Date Added:
Continent: The Island [IS]
Run to Area: 3enw
Repop Time:
Difficulty: Mid - Large Groups

The Forest of Aaost is a damp forest made up of various deeply colored trees and Kirdir vines. A herd of boar-type animals called the dusrimites live on the forest ground. The herd consists of bull, horn, and shank types, all would be tough to fight for players under double-40. Also in the forest is a sociable trader named Nalva, whom enjoys travelers.

High above the dursimite territory lies a kingdom which is hidden in the treetops. A nearby volcano continually litters the limbs of the trees with dust. Avian creatures that habitat this Kingdom of Jrontaug, are bird-like with big-bellied bodies, have tiny wings and longnecks. Using huge claws, thorn-like beaks and magical powers, they defend their race and domain. Volcano dust and bark are consumed by the Jrontuan avian. They fight off air-diving creatures, along with anyone that enters their territory by air or by way of ground. When hatched, their heads are small in size, yet as the they grow and learn mystical powers, their heads increase in direct relationship to their knowledge. The great-Jrontaun have trouble holding their heads above their shoulders. The younger ones are never aggressive. Eventually all Jrontaun are said to gain control over mystical powers using guidance from the great ones.

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                                                N  U
                                                | /
                                           W ---+--- The Island
                                              / |      
                                             D  S

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